Description [EN]
The Old Town Hall deserves to be called one of merchant city’s landmarks. The Renaissance building with its baroque tower dominates the Market Place. From the remains of old prison cells in the cellar, via the historical rooms on the main floor, up to the tower cupola, the building is a compendium of the history of the city and itself the most valuable part of the museum.
The permanent exhibition presents the multifaceted Leipzig history from early times to the Battle of the Nations, from the Revolution of 1848 to the Peaceful Revolution of 1989 and German reunification.
"Leipzig original. From medieval times to the Battle of Leipzig"
The first part of the permanent exhibition “From medieval times to the Battle of Leipzig” has been arranged deliberately to match the historical rooms surrounding the ballroom and the council chamber on the main floor.
"Modern Times. From industrialisation to the present"
The second part of the permanent exhibition from the 19th to the 21st century is located on the second floor of the Old Town Hall. The development of Leipzig is presented in eight historical periods with so-called “identity islands” providing more detailed information on events that have shaped the city.
Adolescents, pupils
Workshops, Führungen
Führungen, Disskussionsforen
Car parking
innerstädtische Parkplätze und -häuser
Connection public transport
Tram: alle Linien mit Haltestellen am Ring; Bus 89 (H Markt); S-Bahn: S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S5X, S6 (H Markt)
Event room / lecture rooms (rentable)
Disabled toilet