Description [EN]
Touch - smell - taste The Spicy's Spice Museum in Hamburg's historic Speicherstadt is a special kind of experience museum. On approx. 350 square meters you can follow the entire processing process from cultivation to the finished product using antique equipment and machines. Spaciously built on an original storage floor, it shows well over 900 unique exhibits from the last five centuries. Some of the herbs and spices can be touched, smelled and tasted, partly in containers that come from near and far abroad, partly presented in clay bowls on taster tables. The museum is also the center and starting point for numerous events: from lectures, evening seminars (e.g. about saffron and vanilla) and pepper sack tours with a barge ride and Ringelnatz reading to the “Culinary Speicherstadt Package”, where you follow the historical merchant Jakob Lange through the Speicherstadt and in If you enjoy a 3-course evening menu in “his” former office at Deichstrasse 37, there will be a spicy highlight for everyone interested. Our events “Sweet & Spicy” and “Kuddeldaddeldu celebrates Christmas” are particularly popular with companies and private individuals. Further information at www.spicys.de In our museum shop we offer many herbs and spices as well as books and much more for sale. Just take a look!